

i pledge allegiance.

found this jacket a while back at forever 21.
it was in one of those outfits that they hang
on the front of the rack.
i was immediately drawn to its details and saw a tag with $9.99 written in bold red marker. i assumed it was for the shirt inside, but at close glance i saw that it was attached to the jacket. and it was a small.
of course, i tore apart the outfit, leaving the now sad-looking tee and necklace to fend for its own attention.
here's the jacket in patriotic form.

my current fave necklace...
a bday gift from the sister a couple years ago.
i usually have it on, no matter what else i layer on top of it.
(jacket & denim, f21; top, random l.a. store; necklace, (gift) folie folie)


not your grrandma's quilt.

another save from my sister's "trash" bag.
she said she felt like a grandma in it.
nevermind that.
i eyed this quilted top when she first bought it.
who knew it would eventually end up in my hands.
{insert evil "bwahahahhahaha"}

(denim, express; top, marc by marc jacobs; wristlet, coach)


a perfect marriage.

i found this jacket in the motherload, tags still on.
i've always liked this "military" style, but couldn't get myself to wear it in a conventional way, with jeans and boots, for fear of looking too, well...military.
without inspiration, the jacket sat in my closet and
eventually made its way to the motherload.
i was determined to wear it this time around, and finally something sparked when i saw aria in the latest
episode of pretty little liars.
she was wearing a similar jacket with a long
patchwork maxi skirt. like maxis, i thought.
and this weekend, while standing in line to pay for my hangers, i spied this dress.
it was a maxi, it was patchwork, and it was floral.
let's just say this is the spring version of aria's fall outfit.

(photo: random google image search)
(dress, ross; jacket, old navy; shoes, jessica simpson)

case of the blues.

...and greens.
hung out at my mom's while she and the kids went to church.
so peaceful and quiet here.
with the morning sun filtering in,
love to plop in this comfy chair with
a cup of coffee and a good book.
even had time to do my nails.

how did you spend your sunday morning?

(sweater, gap; shorts, volcom)



just a quick note to say thanks for your continued
reading and support.
i've started a few projects recently that have been draining my time: sorting thru the motherload, and more importantly, cleaning my closet. why does it feel like you have more to clean as you clean? been feelin a bit uninspired lately...quite possibly because my closet is out. of. control. i keep reaching for the same things because it's conveniently located near the front of my closet. same with my jewelry drawer, but that's a whole other project. so please bear with me as i finish cleaning my closet...i'll catch up on your blogs as soon as i can.

only left the house today to grab some shave ice and a vanilla rooibos tea latte. can't believe the mileage i'm getting out of this $3.99 f21 tank. and speaking of mileage, gas prices are insane. i know we're not the most expensive, but we're not the cheapest either.
what are you guys paying for a gallon these days?

(sweater & tank; f21; shorts, american eagle; bag, sonia rykiel)


the winner of the leather + wood giveaway is:

heidi heidi momeidi banana fana fofeidi
congrats to heidi of playground diva!


summer whites.

nothing says summer like a white dress.
sheer and gauzy and cottony.
i can't resist buying them.
and with white, it's all about the details.
love the dainty straps and the delicate insets on this one.
its versatile mid-length works with slippers or heels.
any shorter would've been too beach-cover-up casual, and any longer would've been borderline wedding dress.

what's your summer essential?

so lady-like...
(dress, american eagle; hat, jessica simpson; slippers, nine west)


lady luxe tux.

   black and white always remind me of the classic tuxedo.
and the tail of this skirt sorta resembles the coat tail.
anyways, black never photographs well,
so just some detail shots here.

on another note, i've been terrible in accepting awards and have lots to catch up on. so scroll on down for some random facts about me.
(skirt, arden b; blazer, bebe; belt, coach)

huge thanks to bonnie of glam kitten's litterbox for the stylish blogger award. she always entertains me with her brutally honest commentary on just about evvrything.
seriously, never a dull moment.
as bonnie would say...
ch-check her out.



another shout out to aie of in aie's shoes for the versatile blogger award. as the title of her blog suggests...she has an amazing collection of shoes. only a shoe lover would think to use her excess denim as shoe dust bags. love.

1. 99% of the time, i never change my watch batteries. once it dies, i buy a new watch.
2. i love the smell of rubber. passing by sports authority i sometimes get a whiff of their shoes. it's like a drug.
3. i haven't really watched tv in two years. i catch up on all my shows via
4. i usually only wear rings on my pointer fingers, unless they were custom made. my ring sizes are between 4-5. i usually find size 6s which will fit loosely on my pointers.
5. i like to swear, so i make up words that are more kid-friendly. for example, i like to say shit, but they kids should hear shoot. so i say shnit. they're clueless, and i'm somewhat satisfied.
6. if i didn't have kids, i'd be riding a motorcycle.
7. i feel the need to pronouce those word verification words. seriously, who does that? me. that way i can type it a real word...without looking.

i'm supposed to pick seven of you, but you are all amazing.