


so i made it thru the weekend...
friday we went trunk or treating with friends and were last minute with our costumes. mini-she wanted to be a nerd, so in lieu of a white button down shirt with pocket we didn't have, she wore her white school uniform polo shirt with high-water jeans, nerd glasses, suspenders, and a make-shift pocket with pocket protector and pens. and, to make it easy, i multiplied by three and we went as a family of nerds.
i got the school treats made and the pumpkins carved, and all that's left to do is decorate the house when i get home.
hope everyone has a great safe!

what are your halloween plans?
hitting the town? dressing up? passing out candy?
tell me!

wearing mini-she's school uniform!
mini-he's school treats. check!
mini-he chose a bow tie instead of glasses.
carve pumpkins. check!
our family of nerds.
mini-he's request...a zombie (from plants vs. zombies) with one big eye and one small eye...and a tongue sticking out...
and peas shooting at it!


painting the [blog] world pink.

(swimsuit, splash; watch, YoT via ideeli; hat, kangol)

are you aware?

hosted by the artsygirl connection. check out the others.


a run on and on and on.

i have a super-duper busy weekend ahead...
i'm just hoping i have time to squeeze everything in.
we are going trunk or treating tonight and i have yet to put together costumes, and then tomorrow morning we are volunteering at mini-she's school's open house, then booking it to town for her math and reading class, and sunday mini-he has a get-together in the morning, and then i have to shop for halloween stuff and prepare the kids' goodie bags for school, but not before we decorate the yard and house...including carving the pumpkins we bought at the pumpkin patch, and this is also the last weekend before mini-she's birthday on tuesday so i'll need to sneak away at some point to get her present, and find time to take photos for a fun day of pink project taking place on sunday.
(grab the button to the right and feel free to join in!)

what's on your agenda this weekend?

today's favorite greek salad.
(denim, roxy (similar); sweater, f21(similar)(similar);
bag, lucky brand via zappos (similar)(similar))

help write the story!
click here.


paniolo country.

this year we went to a new pumpkin patch
at waimanalo country farms.
they actually harvest sweet corn there, but clear out several acres in october and bring in pumpkins from the other pumpkin patch that actually grows pumpkins for us to buy!
i wasn't too impressed, but mini-he enjoyed it.
i went for the lemonade.
grandma went for the pumpkins.
mini-he only cared about climbing on the tractor.
mini-she just wanted to leave and eat lunch somewhere.

have you been to your pumpkin patch?

feeding the animals. mini-she was freaked by this goat's eyes.
i'd be more freaked by this tongue!
picking our pumpkins.
yummy lemonade in jars.
we had to wait forever for the "hay" ride.
wait, where's the hay??
view from the cornfields. recognize that island?
mini-he was in heaven on this huge tractor.
a run thru the corn maze on the way out.

want to help write the story?
click here.


buckle up.

i remember i wanted this seat belt backpack badly.
i thought it was the coolest backpack a
college student could carry around.
but it wasn't exactly in a college student's budget.
my sister surprised me and bought it for my birthday.
now i'll use it for work if i have to make day trips to the neighbor islands. i can shove everything i need in there and still have two hands free. poor bag has taken a beating, but
many years later and it still looks brand new.
totally durable.

also wanted to take a minute to say how appreciative i am of the friendships i've made with you all. from those who have been here since the beginning to new-found friends,
i'm amazed by the support fellow bloggers extend,
unconditionally, to total strangers.
a huge shout out to my friend, juanita, for sending the
sweetest card when i lost my dog a couple weeks ago.

from south africa to hawaii...
(backpack, harveys (similar))


mixed metals.

i used to think it was a fashion faux pas to
mix silver and gold in the same outfit.
like gold earrings didn't go with a silver necklace, or a gold belt buckle didn't match with a silver watch. even down to the tiny buckles on my shoes...if it was gold,
everything else was gold.
while i still prefer to keep them separate,
i do like to experiment.

how bout you mix metals?

speaking of breakfast yesterday, mini-she surprised me by making my pb+j this morning...complete with mini-he's sandwich box
and note. gawd...who's the parent here?!
of course, this was followed by, "can i have money for the snack bar?"
(denim, zara (buy); top, old navy (buy); clutch, local boutique (silver)(similar);
shoes, jessica simpson (similar))

want to help write the story?
click here.