

four down eight to go.

april is gone, and in looking back at my resolutions, it was not a good month. i'll spare you the list since nothing can be checked off. i was coughing for most of the month which led to a sinus infection, and this combined with the rain we've been having meant that i didn't meet up with the gang to exercise at all this month. the only new things we tried were for the minis...friday night free play at the gym for mini-he, and mini-she started a six month singing program thru a modeling & talent agency. i did spend some quality time with mini-he by taking him on a long walk, or "adventure" as he called it.
so i guess the month wasn't a total wash!
how was your april?

i mentioned that the weekend might include long walks (check!),
water balloons (check!), just dance (check!),
and pinatas (oops, maybe next weekend!).
(top, f21; denim, zara; bag, aldo; shoes, victoria's secret)


  1. Great eaarings! And the shoes are to die for!
    Eeek you are such a style inspo!

    xx candace

  2. sometimes our to-do list has to take a backseat to getting well, good for you to take care of yourself! I'm doing the same with allergies ugh.

  3. April is the toughest. I hope you're feeling better and if there's any consolation, you look damn good! Love your pants. =)

  4. Oh Lord woman. This month was not a wash. Look at all you've done! Be proud girl! Yay for mini-he and mini-she!

    On another note: FAVORITE. OUTFIT. EVER. I love your gold jeans and the blouse and leopard heels are a perfect match. I am going to have to steal this. ;-)

  5. Sweet outfit! The accessories are my fav!

  6. Really want your pants!!! And your bag is so awesome!


  7. You have a great to do/work shop with your kids. I know you'll be great for the coming 8 months. Wishing your not so good health is only until April-and be long gone. Love your earrings.

    Well April is bonding time with kids since it's summer here and no classes.:)

  8. THE SHOES are amazing! Lovely!

    xx Romy

  9. I love your whole outfit! The peacock earrings and the leopard print pumps are so cute!

  10. I hope you are feeling a lot better now! :) Love this shirt and adore your leopard shoes! :)

    Love, Rachel

  11. what a beautiful smile you have!

  12. LOVE that very last picture!! So, so great.
    You look lovely :: earrings are too fab.

  13. Ohhh, I love this outfit! Those pants are fab!

  14. Loving the pink with the gold pants! The last shot is my fav. April was my bday month so I was sad to see it go :) Am looking forward to warmer weather in the coming months though.

  15. I don't really enjoy April either but this one was rather good ^_^. I just missed the sun so much x)

  16. Perfect outfit as always! I should definitely start exercising again this month. It's been too long without it.
    You can see my month in pics in my latest post. It was a good month, but I could do without the extra kilos from all the Easter food.

  17. April was ridiculous for me. Too much work, not enough fun! I resolve to change that ASAP :) LOVE the gold denim in this look, Becks!

    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  18. Oh I love this outfit! Everything about it is awesome, earrings down to the heels! It looks great on you. My April was an absolute whirlwind. I started seeing someone new, went to a play, did some crazy dancing, went to a baby shower, lots of family time, and lots of baking and cooking. It's almost like I blinked and it flew by! Except for those work hours... :P

  19. Ah, those super cute gold jeans again.. in love with them! My April didn't start out as planned (kinda didn't end as planned, either) but it's all good! That's what next month is for ;)

  20. love the color combos for the outfit!!

    don't even get me started on my resolutions! ugh! i stopped posting about them, it's pitiful. my april totally sucked. i hope may brings better things! i've been wanting to workout and get to the beach! i can't believe summer is almost here?

  21. I absolutely love this top, it's the perfect cut and colour for spring. And your bag is awesome!
    At least you got some resolutions done, it's hard when you get sick to do them all!!

  22. I know exactly how you feel, my April to-do list got put to the side when my allergies hit mid-April. Gah.
    Cute outfit, I really like the color combo.

  23. you have a whole year to get through your resolutions and you seem to have ticked off a fair amount already, so I'm guessing your sub-conscious is just trying to save you something for later on in the year!!! this month for me has all been about the new iphone....I AM ADDICTED TO IT!! ADDICTED!!! I need to just not take it to work with me....easier said than done....

    1. i know, right?? i'm tempted to get an iphone just because it would be easier to take pics with it! haha.

  24. love your leopard heels! and those bracelets are so cool!

  25. i love the last picture! you look so good.
    i haven't been working out lately, either..
    i hope we both can exercise more and stay healthy in May.:)

  26. fabulous shoes! x

  27. OH my, I hope you are getting better! The weather is clearing up, so that's nice. I just don't want the heat wave to start.

    I think that's great that you spend some one-on-one time with mini-he. Too cute. Gett'um while they are young, right?

  28. you look amazing!
    It's lisa from stilettos and diaper bags. I have a new blog and I'd love for you to follow us on GFC. I followed u on gfc and added you to our blog roll (you are one of my favs after all!) ;)

  29. OMG ! This trousers with thoses leo shoes, it's brilliant ! I have trousers and shoes like that, I hope you won't be upset if I copy you, because it's brilliant and very inspiring !!!

    1. of course not! do it, and let me know...i'd like to see!

  30. Those heels are fabulous :) i love them! x

  31. Oh no, did you get rained on in that last picture?? Even if you did, you still look cute doing it. lol I seriously want to raid jewelry drawer! You have the most fun accessories!

    1. yes! it was totally raining all morning!

  32. well i hope may is a better month for you! i love all of your accessories. those shoes are amazing!!

  33. the bag is so awesome!!! I made on out of a muffler last night in your honor :)

  34. nice jewels ! Come to see my page and follow me if you like it

  35. I love this outfit, especially the shoes.


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