

whites and brights.

i have always loved the look of a crisp, white pantsuit.
unfortunately, they are difficult to buy. the pants need to fit perfectly, and the proportions need to be just right. since i recently found some white jeans that i love, i've been pairing it with my white blazer to create a makeshift pantsuit. i'm wearing it here with bright colors...a pink sweater and these awesome blue marne heels from JustFab.

black is always a classic, but white is forever fresh.
will you be rocking black or white?

cupcakes we make last weekend for a friend's party.
hamburger cupcakes...
yellow cupcakes cut in half for the buns, chocolate cupcake slices for the burger, and colored frosting for the ketchup, lettuce,
and mayo.  
sundae cupcakes...
marshmallow halves for the scoops of ice cream, then decorate.
popcorn cupcakes...
mini marshmallows snipped at the top. you can brush with yellow food coloring for "butter" or torch lightly for a toasted look, but we ran out of time.
(guess denim; justfab marne heels c/o; rampage blazer; inpink necklace)

try these:

*     *     *

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enter here.


  1. The cupcakes look cute and delicious; you're so creative! And I love that you "created" a white suit using white jeans & a jacket. It looks great and those shoes are to die for.

  2. Look at all your cute crafty little cupcakes! I love your pant suit. I think you've given me inspiration for my white jeans and blazer too!

  3. Becks, I love white. I'll definitely be sporting it for spring and summer. Love the pink underneath and that necklace is fab! Okay, can you send me a dozen of those cute cupcakes? HaHaHa They are so adorable!

  4. Love the bright pink with the white outfit!
    The cupcakes are super cute and looks delish!

  5. Those cupcakes are amazing and so fun! The white is definitely fresh and the shoes are definitely fabulous :) Heather

  6. You look absolutely gorgeous in this outfit, and I'm amazed with your creativity! Those cupcakes look delicious but I imagine they'll take hours to make.

  7. I love the ensemble you look beautiful, I'm especially loving the shoes x

    Shop Kittenish Behaviour & Kittenish Behaviour Blog

  8. nice clutch :)

    visit mine whenever you had a chance :D

    warmest regards,
    Miss Aa

  9. awesome bag and shoes!

    Inside and Outside Blog
    P.S. I'm hosting an international 2 friendship bracelets giveaway on my blog here check it out!

  10. I too have always been a fan of a white pantsuit. So yes, I'll be wearing white. And black. And black and white. ;)
    Loving the cupcakes! Very creative.

  11. Such a gorgeous outfit! I would feel too self conscious in an all-white ensemble, you pull it off to perfection! I've been on the hunt for the perfect white blazer for ages, and I'm just thinking I'll have one custom made, so it has the perfect fit. I'll be saving yours for inspiration!

    xx Ivana

    Macarons and Pearls

  12. OH my gosh those hamburger cupcakes are adorable! Loving the shoes so much!!!

  13. Awww! I love this outfit! :) Your shoes stands out and I love the wind effect, fierce! :)

    Jewel Clicks

  14. OMG I'm in love with those heels!!!! Thank you for stopping by, I'm now your newest follower!


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