

white tee + flared jeans.

easy like sunday morning...
and these were taken on sunday morning. this precise ensemble is my absolute favorite go-to outfit. here in hawaii, i can always count on a cute tee + flared jeans + fun accessories to keep me presentable but not overdone. i'm wearing a fabulous tee and necklace from my friends over at sisters marie with an oldie-but-goodie pair of jeans. and i had to throw in some leopard with this cute clutch from love & sunshine.

this long weekend was filled with just about everything...running, hiking, cleaning, eating. a few pics from yesterday's hike below.

what outfit do you feel most confident in?
anything exciting happen this weekend?

lush sunlit greens.
manoa falls hike. it's uphill most of the way, but overall an easy and kid-friendly hike that's a little under 2 miles. go early or else you won't have a chance to take selfies photograph the falls without people in the background.
post-hike grinds from liliha bakery. known for their fluorescent red jelly...who knows what it is, but it's yummy on their toasted butter rolls.
(necklace & old navy tee (gifted); express denim;
jessica simpson shoes; love & sunshine clutch)


  1. These photos are b-e-a-utiful!!! I love your flare jeans! I can't wait to fit back into mine! This shirt is, well, fabulous!

  2. Love seeing this retro yet modern look. :)

  3. Your tee is so pretty. I really need a few adorable tees.

    I always love seeing pictures from your hikes. You get to see the prettiest places.

  4. I saw some of these photos on your instagram - such gorgeous views! That's great you are so active :) love the wide denim so much!

  5. Love this look. Especially adding the necklace over the tee really makes the outfit from ordinary to chic.
    The hiking trail looks amazing.
    My cleansing is getting overwhelming especially when I don't have time. Tomorrow I am going to start right away so I can finish at least one area.

    1. i hear you on overwhelming! it'a like i'm just moving the mess around, lol!

  6. Looks like you had a fab weekend, comfy, stylish clothes and great scenery! Love that clutch!

  7. Great mins think alike. I wear my fabulous shirt on Saturday with a black skirt. Glad you had a great weekend

  8. Love the outfit!! Fantastic pictures!! I so want that t-shirt.

  9. Fabulous outfit and your hiking spot looks amazing! I feel most confident in a striped tee, blazer and skinny jeans because I'm most comfortable in that outfit.

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  10. I love this outfit. Those jeans are amazing on you! And the clutch is the perfect addition! Also, gorgeous pictures, I want to hike there!

  11. Love those flared jeans on you! They look perfect with your bodytype! :)


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