

hair today gone tomorrow.

last year i started to take hawaiian astaxanthin while training for the marathon. it is a powerful antioxidant that supports joint and tendon health, among other things, recommended for helping muscles recover quickly after long runs. what i didn't expect was hair growth.

since my hair was always up while running, i never realized just how long it was getting. but, seriously, look at all this hair. this growth together with my ability to majorly procrastinate on scheduling [hair] appointments meant constant headaches from my increasingly heavy locks.

i have been know to chop off my own hair out of frustration, and oops, i did it again. here today, gone tomorrow.

(blessed project top; lips, LAQA & Co.)

you can learn more about BioAstin Hawaiian Astaxanthin here.


  1. See, another benefit to running...longer,glorious locks! LOL I use to cut my hair out of frustration and the love of short hair, but now I am growing it. I took the relaxer out in June and celebrating my natural curl!

    Did you cut your hair? How many inches??

  2. The great thing about hair is that it grows back after you cut it. Your hair is so lustrous and long that chopping a few inches probably won't take anything away from it.

  3. You have amazing hair! I might need to look into this stuff if it means I coudl have hair like yours (it doesn't, I know...but one can hope)!

  4. Your hair looks gorgeous, but I know what you mean; long hair can be a lot of work.

  5. You look so beautiful! And your hair is gorgeous. I get really lazy with my long hair, but I think I am also lazy with shorter hair haha.

  6. Many girls dream about this effect, lucky you! But why cutting it when you look so good with long hair?

  7. who knew? that's definitely a nice side effect to have

  8. I love your hair!! It is so gorgeous but I know how hard it is to manage long hair.

  9. Oh, I also cut my hair due to frustration :) But in my opinion it doesn't matter how you are wearing your hair as you are in general a true beauty <3 And wow, you look really fit - you are perfect in shape!
    xx from Germany/Bavaria, Rena

  10. Your hair is gorgeous oomph!


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