

how to wear red white and blue. 01

the fourth of july is coming and that means three things...bbq, beach, and beverages red, white, and blue! i found this chambray shirt dress in my friendship swap bag and thought it would be the perfect backdrop for pops of red and white. a subtle way to show my patriotism.

this weekend, we hiked up diamond head at high noon. it was so hot. we definitely didn't plan it that way, it just happened. it was also crowded and there was no parking on site, so we had to park far and walk. i really didn't mind the extra distance...if only it weren't so hot. super proud of mini-he; this hike was probably a bit much for him, but he made it to the top.

if you're in the US, do you rock red, white, and blue for the 4th?
how was your weekend?

ugh...more stairs! 
loved the tunnels...respite from the sun!
view from the top...did you catch it on periscope?
he made it!
(enzo angiolini shoes; gucci bag)


  1. Cutest! I'm not american but I love the combo! Wearing it right now.:0

  2. great outfit - love the subtle touches of red in your outfit, so chic!

  3. What gorgeous photos! And what a great dress! I am sure it will be put to good use in many different ways!

  4. Prefect outfit for the fourth of July.

  5. You look so beautiful! Love the dress!

  6. Beautiful combo and pics !!!!!!


  7. I love that look Becks! It's a sophisticated look. I can't believe the 4th of July is here already. 1/2 the year is over! Simply amazing. Glad your son made it. The look on his face is priceless. HAHAHA

  8. Wow what a view up there! For a moment I thought you were going to hike in that dress and heels haha

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka


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