

been coughin for so lung.

guys, i'm so tired of coughing.
it's been keeping me up the past couple of nights.
other than hot tea, got any good home remedies?

i spent a good part of last year trying to stay away from black. with brights and color blocking on the rise, i made every effort to add colorful things to my wardrobe. but, i still love the comfort of black. now i try to find black pieces with some kind of detail...pleats, ruching, zippers, ruffles...something that adds oomph to basic black pieces.

how do you add oomph to your black outfits?

(forever connected heart ring, JGOOD (buy))
green tea misto...
tazo china green tips [full leaf] tea + steamed milk.
(banded skirt, express (buy); shoes, nine west (buy))

check out the selection at JGOOD.
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  1. I'm so sorry, coughing is the worst. I've used this before, it's for kids, but it helped me, it's all natural so that was a bonus.
    Feel better!

    1. this sounds great! i'm going to get this tomorrow. hope i can find it here!

  2. Hope you feel better.. at least you look cute!

  3. Yikes. I got a bad cough too. They are annoying. Love black on black. I also enjoyed how you accessorized.

    1. it's those darn preschool germs, lol! hope you feel better, too!

  4. omg I love that necklace! and pooo poooo to the coughing. I such on Ricolas forever and then take a Nyquil to knock me out so I can get lots of sleep. and LOTS OF TEA.

    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights

    1. had a few teas today already. getting my honey vanilla tea ready for tonight!

  5. i hope you get better soon!! are you still exercising? i know it's hard, but i find that exercise helps with the cold process.

    i too am a huge black wearer! most of my wardrobe is black, i try hard not to go with just black, but i always go back to it.
    sometimes i just add a scarf and try to wrap or tie it in a different way. or i will wear a longer printed or colored shirt underneath of a black top, just to add some pop. even if it's just a little band on the bottom.

    get well soon!!


    1. you know, i haven't exercised for two weeks and that's when i started to get worse. the most i've been doing in this rain is Just Dance on the wii! i think i do need a good sweat!

  6. Well, if I had a cough that wouldn't go away, I would rub Mentholatum all over my feet, add a pair of socks and take a LONG sleep. Basic black needs texture I think...which you've done beautifully here.

    1. funny you said that, terri. i do this for my kids, but never thought to do it for myself. i guess i should give it a try because it works!

  7. A good remedy that always helps me is honey and lemon. My mom just gives me a spoonful of it and it does a good job of soothing my throat.

    Great outfit by the way, I love black too. :)

    The Lovely Memoir

  8. Black is such a clean classic color, even thought there are so many new bright color combos, I am always drawn back to basic black. Love your outfit !

  9. ohh these shoes are fab hun !

  10. Gorgeous outfit! I especially love how you tied your belt!

  11. I would try some vick's vapor rub on your chest. It is smelly but helps clear up a cough. Love this look. Black is my best friend and you are rocking it!

  12. Jewelery and accessories in general are a great way to spice up a black outfit.
    So sorry to hear you're feeling so bad these days.
    You should add honey, and a bit of lemon juice in your teas, or drink cough syrup, or as the girl above said, use some vick's vapor rub on your chest. It's really good with cough. I hope you feel better soon!

  13. this look is so beautiful on you and i love all the special hints of flirty patterns.

    xo kaitlin

  14. Those shoes look comfortable x

  15. Pretty accessories of course, like you! You look lovely, I adore this outfit. As for the cough remedies, it's not exactly a home remedy, but I find that rubbing Vick's vapor rub on your check, neck and on the bottom of your feet (when you sleep), last one is weird I know, but it's helped me! Good luck, hope you feel better soon.

  16. i hope you feel better soon!
    you look fabulous in black, though. ;)

  17. Hi! Love to add color blocking when I'm wearing black, or a pop out color on my accessories to brighten up. Love your look here gurl. -sorry to know you're not feeling well.when I have cough I try to add more on my water intake, just do my regular exercise or outdoor activities and it makes me feel much better.Get well!:)

  18. pretty jewelry, especially the one you're wearing! Feel better soon!

  19. super cute heels! and that leopard bag adds so much to your outfit

  20. I do the same and try to add detail with textures or pops of colour in my accessories :) Get well soon!

    Love, Vanilla

  21. you added oomph! you look great!! hope the coughing settles down..make sure you are drinking enough water!

  22. Awww.... get well soon! :) You really love leopard print! :)

    Jewel Clicks

  23. Just catching up on all your posts. Loving everything you are putting together. you look Fabulous. I hope your cough goes away soon. :(

  24. I hope you are feeling better. When I get cough, they seem to last forever too.

    You look very fashionable as always. I wish I can dress up like you.

  25. Hi Becks. If I may throw my two cents worth in the ring, I find that avoiding dairy is usually key in getting over any sinus or bronchial infections. The dairy causes mucous build-up that your body has to expel. When one is already suffering from a viral/bacterial infection, the dairy really adds a whole new dimension of tough for the immune system to deal with. Same for sugar (as it causes inflammation in the body). Sending healthy vibes your way - J x

  26. So gorgeous hun - black can look so elegant & effortless. :D xxx

  27. Black is forever chic, and I will always love it. I am with you though - I spent a lot of time trying to bring more color to my closet this past year, but I think black always looks great. You look amazing in this outfit and I think the leopard bag takes it to an all new level of chic!

    I hate coughing fits :( So awful. I hope you get better soon sweet friend!


  28. adding oomph...that's awesome. i think i feel the same way about black--i don't want to wear it all the time, but it's just so comforting. finding pleats and details is definitely a good way to add more oomph to black outfits.

    i use cough medicine at night when i have a bad cough.

  29. i have a cough too for so so long and is so annoying! i guess tea is the best option for me!

    i love colors but there is something about black that makes it so chic!! i love wearing it with leopard accessories, metallic colors or by adding pop of color! with a colorful accessory! :)

    you look lovely as always i hope u get better soon xx

  30. black and leopard is really all you need.


  31. pretty outfit becks! i always look for detail and texture. coughs are aggravating! i hope you get some relief soon. i only use cough drops and chloraseptic spray.

  32. love black and leopard here, very lady like, this year i will add some neon accessories to black outfit; as far as coughing, i ususally just keep drinking coughing syrup(american style and chinese style, haha...) hope you gets well soon!!

  33. I love black with animal prints or pops of bold color. You look gorgeous! I love your leopard bag.

  34. I like the combination of black with animal print bag. But I love your shoes. So beautiful!

  35. Really pretty outfit! 90% of my wardrobe is black so I try to dress up my funeral attire (lol) with printed accessories (bags, shoes), interested jewelry, and/or bright/fun makeup ;)

  36. Loving that last shot of you! I haven't done a whole black ensemble in a while. This is making me want to now :)
    Vintage Collar Necklace Giveaway


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