thanks for your interest in working with [oomph.].
[oomph.] is a personal style and lifestyle blog that chronicles what i wear, eat, and do as a busy mom in hawaii.
i have a wide range of readers, many of which are students,
young working women, entrepreneuers, and stay-at-home and
working moms (and even some dads!).
i'd love to partner with you to promote your product or business. advertising opportunities available include but are not limited
to product reviews, giveaways, and blog posts written by me.
all of my posts are shared via my social media accounts
sponsorships and endorsements are disclosed within the respective posts, gifted items are disclosed with a (c/o). this blog's content does include affiliate links from which i may earn a small commission; thank you for supporting the brands that support this blog. [oomph.] is not responsible for the content of linked sites. all views and opinions, good or bad, come straight from the heart.
contact: Becks at
contact: Becks at