
till the elephants come home.

y'all know i have this thing for animal prints.
it all started with the bird printed blouses from zara, then some adorable vintage horse printed dresses spotted on fellow bloggers, as well as the one from asos.
i don't find many animals roaming around these parts of town, so when i spotted this little number,
it was a no-brainer.

tell me one of your obsessions.

homemade nachos...throw on your leftovers + lots of cheese,
nuke it in the micro till the cheese bubbles, and enjoy!
(top, local boutique (similar)(similar), denim, free people (buy);
necklace, vintage (similar))


Unknown said...

Love the elephanta!

Style Journey said...

This top reminds me of one at Target over the summer. So cool! Of course mine and Kayla's obession is animal print too. Oh, and another obsession-nachos! Those look delicious :)


Call me M said...

Love the top! Great print.
And you always put food photos, making us really hungry. hehe

Rachel said...

I used to not like shirts like that because they reminded me of when I used to wear dogs on all my shirts in elementary school haha, but I'm falling in love with them. I'd really like one with birds or turtles strangely enough.

Also I love the pants. Goes to show not to get rid of things. I used to have flares and I threw them out last year.

<3 Rachel
dress ups and mess ups

Anonymous said...

I like the cut of the top...especially with these jeans!

skippysays said...

Just found your lovely blog! I love animal prints on shirts- I have a blouse with raccoons and another with giraffes just to mention a few. And I'll keep on getting more :) Love yours and this whole look on you!

Bekah McDuffie said...

I love these jeans every time you wear them! I tagged you in a VLOG challenge on my blog yesterday... check it out! Also, Enter the My Memories software *GIVEAWAY*
Peace and Love!

A Very Sweet Blog said...

I love the elephants in your top girl and how you paired them with the bell bottom jeans! Awesome! My obsession are ballet flats. I think I love them ALL. HAHA :D
SassyUptownChic xoxo Kim

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

I thought I was following your blog? WHAT?! haha Oh well, I am now. That top is amazing, I also love the pants! woot woot!

Fashion Confessions of a Mommy said...

I truly love your extereme flare jeans. The top looks very comfy.
So I tried to reply to your comment via email but got rejected as spam so here was my response:
"Oh, yes, the twilight books are addictive. I read all 4 3 times. I know that is sick.

I do financial business consulting. I worked for a company that provided a portfolio mgmt system for money managers and broker dealers for 11 years.
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To this date even my parents can't describe what I do. :)"

sorelle in style said...

Ahh I LOVE animal prints! How adorable?! And your jeans are perfect! :)

sorelle in style

Bonnie said...

I am such a sucker for an animal print. Rawr.

Twitter: @GlamKitten88

Bravoe Runway said...

I think my fashion obsession currently is python! This is new for me as it was the unventured territory of animal prints! Love the blouse paired with the bell bottoms, they're amazing together!

Oreleona said...

love the outfit!! my obsession currently is animal prints and nudes

Frannie Pantz said...

NO. WAY. Elephants are my favorite animal! This top has my heart!

Josefine Laul said...

Cute top!

Jackie said...

Ahhh I love my animal prints too, love this top cause of the racer back.. very hot. Goes well with your cowbellz.. and omg homemade nachos! Great idea for lunch for me tomorrow lol.

And I like that website be in style you were featured on, great everyday tips that I can use and congrats on the feature!

fashion doctor said...

you look fabulous! xoo

Anonymous said...

Animal figures are sort of this under the radar trend. Sophistcated casual look on you and those nachos...I'm licking my computer screen right now. I like to add a dash of garlic salt...you?

Love from Oregon USA,

an evening at the symphony

Juanita said...

Such cute elephant print material!

MerciBlahBlah said...

Kimonos or kimono style jackets. I cannot get enough, and am CONSTANTLY on the hunt for the perfect one, which, in a perfect world would probably be something by Winter Kate, but is not, financially speaking, in the cards for me right now. Sigh.

Loving the elephant tank, and it's perfection with those supah fly TNT flares.


Cel said...

Cute top! Love the little elephants. I'm really enjoying all these fun prints lately. My obsession isn't any print though, it's just flouncy skirts. That and anything that makes me feel like a gypsy haha.

AzaharaJStyle (lost in Palma) said...

he! amazing pants, I love

JennaStevie said...

This top is sooo amazing, I love that its shorted in the front, and the back part of it is really cool. And seriously? Elephant print?! SO cute. I'm so obsessed with a good print, going into my closet is like an explosion of prints attacking me

Tanyabell said...

cute little elephants! :) I LOVE animal prints, too! My favorite is a vintage bird skirt I have.

Baby Budget Blog said...

Cute, cute top! My favorites are sparrows and giraffes or the foxes shirt that I have. Loving the jeans as always. Finally shot mine. Will be up in about 2 weeks!


Teresa said...

that top is so effin amazing!!!!! deff. my style<3 you look so 70's with those pants.. i just love the look!!!!

one of my obsessions are cardigans! i would use them with short dresses, jeans, shorts and even maxis! they give that classy final touch :)


Unknown said...

love the top. and man do you work that pant. love it.


SpryOnTheWall said...

Adorable top - just love the cute elephant print!

Imsu said...

OMFG! I love your jeans!

Btw, I was going through your closet shop. What size do you wear? I'm a size US 2 so I was wondering if any of your high waist flares would fit me

Gertrude said...

Cute top! The nachos look yummy! x

Balancing Lisa said...

you look amazing (as always) and i love that tank! xo


Aquí said...

I just love the print of your top! Looks great with your belled jeans!

Aquí said...

I just love the print of your top! Looks great with your belled jeans!

Aquí said...

I just love the print of your top! Looks great with your belled jeans!

Aquí said...

I just love the print of your top! Looks great with your belled jeans!

Aquí said...

I just love the print of your top! Looks great with your belled jeans!

Aquí said...

I just love the print of your top! Looks great with your belled jeans!

Aquí said...

I just love the print of your top! Looks great with your belled jeans!

MaggleBish said...

I'm pretty sure you're the only person that can rock these jeans... I used to wear these crazy big jeans in HS, they were made by a company called "Jnco" and they were insane! I loved them.

Your shirt is adorable & your nachos look delicious.

Shels415 said...

Love your top! And you really rock those pants well! One of my obsessions right now are baby-doll dresses!


Joandy said...

that elephant top is super duper cute!!! i just got my horse print from asos:))

marykapsi said...

Following your blog dear thank for your comments!


laura said...

The print is just gorgeous! I have never seen elephant print before! It's just so unique. I also really like the cut of that top!:) Total great item to have in your closet!

I am VERY new to this animal print thing. I only have a handful of animal print clothing/accessories, but I really want to get more leopard prints when my shopping ban is over!
♥ laura

the blog of worldly delights

Hautepot said...

I love this! The elephant print is so cute! I'm partial to owls, horses and cats myself :)

MissKait said...

yes well i'd have to say that having animal print as your obsession isn't bad...haha it's definitely one of mine..
my all time favorite thing is thick knits. love them

kisses from kaitlin

Unknown said...

Love the elephant top!

SoapyMermaid said...

this elephant prined tee is very graphical and the cut is very flattering fantastic with these flare jeans.

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