
the longer shorts.

every morning, there's a few minutes after i get into my car where my mind drifts off, and i think about stuff. maybe reflecting on something i did, or what i have to do later, things that make me smile, or things i'm worried about. it's like i'm in a bubble and everything around me is on mute.
and then i realize, "hey, i can't hear the music!"
and the moment is over.

i'm kind of obsessed with cutting my jeans at the knees. with our year round warm weather, i wear a lot of shorts. i also love to wear heels, but i can't get away with wearing [short] shorts and heels during the day. a longer length, however, feels appropriate and more within my comfort zone. i first tried it out with this pair, and now these black joe's jeans that had an awkward fit as jeans anyways. i'm still experimenting
with the lengths.

when is your moment of reflection?

the prettiest rainbow jello...
i usually make 5-layer or 7-layer jello.
i think my co-worker was showing off with her 9-layer jello!
(DIY joe's jeans)

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Kileen said...

i'm also a fan of the longer shorts -- i think it's just me getting more modest as i get older! i love the idea of cutting jeans and this black pair looks great on you! i think the proportions are just right.

cute & little

Balancing Lisa said...

Everything about this look is amazing! I want that top!!! Where is it from? Loving the longer short too.
and I do my thinking at night before bed ;)

Unknown said...

You look great in the longer shorts! Love the outfit and it is so casual-chic! I wish I could do thtat, but I look extra short!

xx Easy Outfits, by Pip

peg5 said...

clearly, you have style...if i cut off my jeans at the knee, well, let's just say i wouldn't be posting the pic on my blog (lol). 'cool' idea, though.

Mrs C said...

Impeccable style! You look effortlessly cool!

MRS JACK OF ALL TRADES (a fashion and life-style blog)

Couture Carrie said...

Gorgeous look!
Love that blouse!


Elle (Kristelle) said...

Love your style! The print bags are a staple in any girl's closet!

Unknown said...

That blouse is so pretty !!

C said...

You look so nice in this length shorts! I usually look... weird. Very chic outfit, perfect for a causal day.

I usually reflect when I'm showering... Haha

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cassandra xx

Siân Singleton said...

You look fab as ever, I love that shirt and the length of the shorts suits you. xx
Kittenish Behaviour&Kittenish Behaviour Blog

JennaStevie said...

I love longer shorts and heels together, such a great look! Love the pop of leopard print

A Very Sweet Blog said...

You wear that length well Becks. I love the cut of the top! The draping is pretty.

Dressed With Soul said...

This is a really great combination! Stylish but absolutely elegant enough for work. Good idea to wear the pants in this length :)

My moments of reflections are also in the car: when I drive to work and back at home. Sometimes I need more time, then I lie down on my couch and reflect - sometimes a very long time ...

xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena


Ai Sakura said...

they look great! can't believe you cut them yourself. usually my time of reflection is in bed at night just before I sleep ;p

Ai @ Sakura Haruka

Wonder Woman said...

Ah! I'm gonna try doing this, too. I super hate super-duper short shorts coz I hate my legs. Lol. This seems to be the best solution right now. THANK YOU! :)


Ash said...

where did you get the bag?

oomph. said...

i got it from a local boutique many years ago :)

Unknown said...

I love how you styled these cutoffs. Very chic! And I usually end up reflecting on the subway, haha. It's amazing how easily you start to block out things after commuting for so long!

Stephanie | fashion and tea

Shop Style Conquer said...

I like that length of shorts with those awesome shoes, looks great!

-Tara x


Anonymous said...

Stylish black & white outfit! Esp lovin' ur wedges!!

Elle Sees said...

my favorite part is the top. so flowy and gorgeous!

jackie jade said...

your cutoffs look great with the heels - they're a perfect length. and that jello is so pretty and fancy :)
-- jackie @ jade and oak

Adriane said...

Love these! I hate shorts that either crawl up my crotch or cut into my thighs when I sit down. These are great!

Some Lucky Dog said...

I think this is the perfect length! I did this with an old pair of just this summer and wore them a lot.

CINDY B on rafflecopter

Ann Jones said...

Love the longer shorts, they look great! I wear longer shorts since they cover my thighs, which aren't my favorite feature :) Great outfit!

Jennifer Speed said...

Love the outfit. I especially love the shirt its so airy and light and looks very comfortable.

Unknown said...

they are so adorable on you and you look so classy.....

Amy's Fashion Blog said...

you look adorable and that jello looks yummy

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