
marathon chronicles 05. feeling the burn[out].

i am starting to feel the burn...out!

i was warned not to start training too early, because i could risk injury and/or get burned out. however, my first run of the year was in february, so i began training in january and have been running ever since. 

i haven't stopped running, i've just been running less days and shorter distances. i'm still excited about running, but at the same time, it's been easier to skip days. summer was a great excuse. 

june was the official start of my marathon training program. now, at the end of july, i'm almost two months behind. not gonna lie, i'm starting to panic. just a little. i have to dramatically increase my mileage as well as hit the pavement (vs. the treadmill).

my next run is coming up on august 10th, 9 miles.

maybe a new pair of running shoes will give me motivation.
just kidding.

these are a couple of sports bras i've been loving; both are from forever 21. they provide moderate support which is enough for the 3-5 mile runs i've been doing, but i'll definitely need ones with more support for my upcoming longer runs.

what i've been obsessed with lately?
honey vanilla chamomile tea + almond milk.

based on another runner's recommendation to mix [chocolate flavored] protein powder with warm almond milk (a post-run drink that helps her muscles recover and replace protein lost during runs), i picked up almond milk to try. not bad.

but since i'm not taking protein supplements yet, i was left to finish the rest of this almond milk. it's not uncommon for me to add milk to my tea, so i used the almond milk. YUM! i look forward to it every night. can't get enough of it. plus, almond milk is loaded with calcium and vitamins A-D-E. 

do you have a sports bra (brand) that you love?
have you tried almond milk?


food truck mania.

food trucks have been gaining popularity ever since food network's show [the great food truck race] debuted. in fact, season 4's winner was a team from hawaii. food trucks even have their own event here, eat the street, that pops up in different cities throughout the month. i've been wanting to check it out but was always turned off by the parking and crowds. last week, on a whim, we finally went...the minis wanted to go, it was summer, and we were hungry. details and pics below.

i grabbed this super cheap tee so that i could change out of my work clothes before heading to eat the street. and what did i do? dribble bright yellow [nacho] cheese all down the front, haha.

do you like to eat at food trucks?
are they popular where you live?

the wow wow lemonade lines. this is the one thing the minis wanted, so...
20 minute wait for $10 lemonade in a mason jar.
$6 refills (save that jar for next time!)
*click to enlarge*

the crowd. must get there early. the lines were ridiculously long by the time we got there, so i didn't get to try everything i wanted to.
wow wow lemonade strawberry/classic lemonade | pop pop donuts, $5/doz. w/salted caramel & spicy nutella sauces | hawaiian twisted tater, $10 tater tray w/ kahlua pork, chill, cheese, green onions & ranch dressing.

 this is what we came away with plus a couple bentos, ribs, poke bowl, and macarons not shown. the twisted tater is spiral cut potatoes with toppings. it's essentially like a baked potato, but nacho style. it was pretty good; i'd eat it again. can't say the same for the pop pop donuts. 

(tee via local store (similar); DIY denim; gucci bag (similar);

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stars stripes whiskey.

i'm not going to lie; i have a thing for gray tees.
long-sleeved, muscle tee, v-neck, heather gray...i can never pass up a good one. here's one i didn't have...distressed. it's super soft and worn in, complete with holes.

how to wear gray tees?
- with lace shorts
- with white denim
- with a saying
- with neon
- with sequins
- with more gray
and with statement heels + a colorful necklace like below.

how do you wear your gray tees?

(9th & Elm triangle necklace; Shop Lately statement necklace)
the weather was beautiful this weekend.
even at 5pm, it was blue skies and sunshine.
(tee c/o 9th & Elm (buy); UO leather shorts;
JustFab shoes; Victoria's Secret bikini top)

a few to try:

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this tiny triangle necklace is the latest addition to my collection of dainty pieces. i introduced it to my monogram necklace, and they have been best friends ever since. these little minis are perfect for filling the void around your neck. they still make a statement, just a subtle one.

do you prefer dainty necklaces or bigger statement pieces?
or both?

(calvin klein dress; persun shoes)


casual leopard.

countdown to the weekend, and i can't wait.
last weekend, a big storm rolled in, and we didn't get to do everything we had planned. i'm hoping to make up for it this weekend. every summer, i like to incorporate a mauka to makai (mountain to sea) theme, where we try to spend equal time mauka (hiking or other nature activities) and makai (beach or pool/waterpark). this summer has been makai all the way. i'm a little bummed that i haven't hiked once, so i hope to get one in before summer ends.

what's something you were hoping to do this summer?
do you have a summer theme?

(pave necklace and ring, Capwell & Co.)
acai bowls + pizza filled pretzel.
(gifted shirt; a&f denim; sole society bag; justfab shoes)


gingham and lace + watermelon cake.

gingham and lace for a
semi-wordless wednesday.

i saw photos of these watermelon cakes floating around during the 4th of july weekend, and most recently on Sisters Marie. since it's been hot and muggy, i decided to give it a try for a refreshing treat. i prepared it after everyone went to bed, and when they saw this pretty cake sitting in the refrigerator the next morning, they were so excited. mini-he couldn't wait to eat this cake. i made him wait almost the whole day, because i was scrambling to also make brownie cups [for brownie sundaes].

why? because i needed a back-up.

when i finally sliced the cake, mini-he was disappointed to see that it was just fruit, haha. he enjoyed the brownie sundaes while the rest of us enjoyed the watermelon cake!

 seedless watermelon is better, but this is what we had. i used extra creamy cool whip (instead of whipped cream), and it held up nicely. just make sure to pat the watermelon dry before applying, then top with whatever you like. super easy.

(Lulu's skirt (similar); Gilly Hicks shirt; Shop Lately necklace)

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[sponsored content]

in case you missed it, check out this fun #PerfectPop
app for making the perfect bag of popcorn:


family movie night with Pop Secret.

[this post is sponsored by Pop Secret;
all buttery fingers and opinions are 100% mine.]

this summer is all about spending time with family and friends. like many of you, i'm sure, one of our favorite things to have is movie night. we bring out all the pillows and blankets and enjoy our favorite Pop Secret popcorn and snacks.

however, there is nothing worse than the lingering smell of burned popcorn! (well, what's worse is if that was your last bag!) no matter how many windows you open or how many fans you turn on, you won't get rid of the smell. say goodbye to burned popcorn with the Pop Secret Perfect Pop app. this easy-to-use app listens to the pops, waiting for the precise moment to let you know when your popcorn is perfect. no more relying on the popcorn button or guessing how many seconds in between pops. with the Perfect Pop app, you can spend more time enjoying your movie than worrying about your popcorn.

have you tried the Perfect Pop app?

how Perfect Pop app works:

with your iphone, ipad, or ipod touch, download Pop Secret Perfect Popcorn app from the app store.
(it's optimized for iphone 5, but it worked fine on my 4s)

put your favorite family movie night popcorn in the microwave and enter the suggested time on the packaging. turn up the volume, point speaker towards microwave, and keep within three (3) feet.
start the microwave, then start the app.

learn fun facts as well as see what's happening inside your bag of popcorn!

Perfect Pop app listens to the pops and lets you know when your bag of popcorn is just right.

what movies are you watching this summer?
these are my oldies but goodies picks:
- dirty dancing
- legally blonde (1 or 2)
- sweet home alabama
- charlie's angels: full throttle

the kids have been loving:
- cloudy with a chance of meatballs
- frogs & toads: max's magical journey (netflix)
- despicable me
- nim's island

download the Perfect Pop app here:

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